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Use Air Plants for Purifiers and Filters

Some plants which can be grown indoor (shade loving plants ) can be safely exploited as good source of reducing indoor air pollution. Indoor Plants in Dubai by virtue of their ability to photosynthesize can absorb atmospheric carbon dioxide gas through stomata and release oxygen as a by product so make the air suitable to breathe in by human beings. Plants give off extra water as water vapour through stomata by physiogical process transpiration thus causing coolness and increase humidity in the surrounding plants are able to the function of air purifier and also act as substitute to air conditioners up to some extent. Air Plants in Dubai are more effective at filtering pollutants than air purifiers and filters which consume electricity. Added bonus when plants are used as purifiers is that they are beautiful and provide natural aesthetic scenario which induce calmness and peace to the interior. Plants are inexpensive, require no electricity to operate.

There are about 50 house plants in Dubai which can be grown indoor which have probably developed from plants growing in understorey of rainforests and under canopy of huge trees. Names of Some commonly used plants suitable for Indian environmental conditions is mentioned below: Anthurium, Begonia, Asplenium, Dieffenbachia, Dracaena, Rubber plant, Fittonia, Maranta, Monstera, Syngonium, Alocasia, Philodendron, Pothos, Bamboo palm, Poinsettia, Peace lily, Azalea, Areca palm, Bosten fern, Dwarf date palm etc To keep the inner environment healthy and free of pollutants it is advisable to put the potted indoor plants in the room or meeting hall, hospitals, schools at a place where sunlight enters for sometime during day hours.

Few people take into consideration the benefits of air plants in Dubai instead opt for expensive humidifiers and air purifiers. Filter replacements, upkeep and the electricity to operate these machines can be costly. Cleaning these machines is time-consuming. Aside from being aesthetically pleasing, all plant life is known to provide the air required for breathing and to keep it clean. Why not take advantage of this natural air purifier and humidifier indoor plants in Dubai.

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