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Transform Garden into a Magical Place

Fairy gardens are a variation of the miniature gardens which have been creating quite a buzz for a couple of years now. Fairy gardens seem to look best in a container of some sort although of course it's also possible to create one as part of your main garden or as a feature in an existing area. You can buy a beautiful tub, half barrel or similar, or get creative with Belfast sinks, tin bathtubs, old tyres or large flower pots- there's no right or wrong container!

What makes up a fairy garden? It's really only limited by your imagination, but in general a fairy garden will consist of a container, miniature plants either in pots or planted, moss, crystals, stones/pebbles, and perhaps a fairy house or two. It's also possible to incorporate ponds, rivers, and accessories- there are manufacturers producing a wide range of amazing items to fully accessorize your garden, from stepping stones and seats to swings and garden implements. Generally speaking the more unique the better- try beachcombing or countryside walks to find unusual objects, wood, rocks, fossils etc which might come in useful.

Some people believe that having fairy garden plants around us connects the spiritual and physical enchantment that we have with these mythical beings. A feeling of them being close to us and guiding us and somehow being our connection between the earth and heaven.

The legend of fairies is of mystifying fascination and charming beauty, and it is this that you want to incorporate into your fairy garden. When making a fairy garden you need to make sure that all of the element conducive to attracting fairies is incorporated.

Firstly you will need a place for fairies to rest. This could be an old tree stump or a rock. It is always best to start your project in a quiet corner of your garden preferably under the canopy of trees or bushes. If you have such an area, cut away some of the growth and place your log or rock in the spaces.

A place for a fairy circle which traditionally is made out of a circle of terrarium plants for sale in Dubai. If you have a lawn you could create your fairy circle here but remember you must never step inside the circle as you could be whisked away to another place.

You have now completed your garden for fairies, but make sure you take good care of it and you will be rewarded with good luck and tranquility. Fairy Garden ideas transform any garden into a magical place where you can contemplate yours thoughts in peace and tranquility.

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