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Tips to Create Fairy Gardens Plants

It's a good idea to have everything ready near where you will site your garden before you start so you don't have to carry your creation to its new home after you have made it- depending on the construction they can be quite heavy!

Usually select low growing plants, such as creeping thymes, aubrietia, alpine dianthus, London pride, stone plants, creeping rock plants etc. A good hunt around the alpine and herb section of your local garden centre will help- ask a member of staff for help if you're unsure, but plants which do well in thin soil will often be a good bet. If you are making an indoor garden, you can use the same plants, but you will need to water them more often, or you can use tiny toy ones, fake ones, mini candles, dolls house accessories or any little things you like.

Once you have made one garden, you will want more, and you'll get more creative and imaginative with the decorating. One of the great things about fairy gardens ideas is that, unlike a real garden, if you get bored it's simple to tear it up and start again. It's a whole new world.

It pays to get your house plants ready for indoor plants Dubai. If it is possible buy plants online in Dubai when you no longer need to heat your home. This way they will get plenty of fresh air to harden the developing foliage, giving it strength against a hot dry atmosphere of heated rooms. This is especially important for tropical house plants. If you buy air plant terrarium, such as a begonia, keep it in a room that is warm and moist, like a bathroom. You can buy tropical house plants online they thrive on moisture and because of the steam from showers will get the necessary humidity.

To keep your fairy gardens plants safe, they must be in a cool a place as possible. An unheated room that does not fall below 45 degrees is ideal. If you have a very cold spell, bring the plants into a heated room but be sure to get them back to the cool atmosphere as soon as possible. If you have a very large house plant that is not easily moved cover it with material, like several layers of burlap, to shield it from the elements.

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