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Considering Space for Making Fairy Gardens

Creating an outdoor fairy garden together is a perfect way to introduce young children to the thrill and contentment of working with nature. Grow a variety of miniature plants and wild flowers, adding complementary fairy decorations such as miniature solar lights, lanterns, ornamental butterflies, birds and bees, magical runes, fairy ornaments and statues. Look for small, low growing plants and make sure there are plenty of places for your fairy visitors to shelter from prying human eyes.

Think about indoor plants Dubai too. Indoor garden fairy decorations could include a water feature (real or illusory using mirrors), a fairy house ornament (you'll find that many of the famous china manufacturers produce miniature cottages and even trinket boxes in the shape of toadstools and other fairy decorations that would provide a perfect home for your indoor garden fairy). You can make or buy paper or fabric flowers, use doll's house seats and tables and provide a bonsai tree for shade. Let your imagination run wild and have fun with your fairy decorations, wherever you choose to use them.

Since positive space refers to the area that an object occupies, negative space is the open area between the design elements. When planning a miniature garden, consider negative areas of design that contain pebbles, sand, stepping stones, or lawn. With these elements in the garden, the eyes will be able to rest and notice the important visual accessories.

The mini gardener needs to consider how the correct use of space leads the eye through the garden. Study your landscape. What features and accessories are going to be the important items in your miniature garden? A cottage, bench, or gazebo may be focal points in the garden. Many times a pond or waterfall can be an important element in your garden. Those items will fill the positive spaces. Now think of what types of hardscape could be used to lead the eye from the negative space to the items of interest. A lawn planted with Baby Tears or Wooly Thyme gives an open feeling to the mini garden and leads the eye to notice the plants bordering the lawn.

Fairy gardens ideas can find much satisfaction when experimenting with space, since it is a crucial element in design. Miniature gardens need negative and positive spaces to make the landscaping company in Dubai interesting. Take time for buy house plants online in Dubai to create a plan that makes space a significant aspect of the design.

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